~*Nicole's Page*~
(~)Inside Jokes(~)


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***Cartoon Dolls ***
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(~)Inside Jokes(~)
~*Angie Folco*~
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Insiders with all of my best buddies! I love you guys so much! :) If I left things out them let me know so I can add em in!

Inside Jokes with my Best Bud Tara-
*~Falling up the stairs
*~Falling in the ice cream
*~Do the Bager!
*~Ear Language
*~Charlie Language
*~Cookie Dough
*~Do you want to go to the Ma....
*~Calm your cooties!
*~Cereal sss...in your sandal?!
*~Leaf tickets
*~Bball on the patio
*~Florida and Paris
*~Bonjour Bonjour Bonjour...Oh my God!
*~Knocking over the couch when we were scared
*~Do I have anything on my face?!
*~The Iceman
*~Big red bra
*~Things on your computer
*~John F's Handshake
*~The Hotel Room
*~Starbust wrappers..please insert 50 cents!
*~Stayin up till 4
*~Viva los BioDome!
*~Boy trouble
*~Parent trouble
*~Takin that trip to Florida
*~Being late for lunch everyday in 6th grade
*~OMG tara EW!!
*~Dancing for drunk people on the pool table!
*~Baby dream
*~Bus dream
*~The Alligator Game
*~I'm cold!
*~Samuel Gompers
*~Doggie farts....poo
*~Joseph Ckow....c-k-o-dubayoo!
*~Typing with my nose
*~Brr...no just kidding!
*~I'm confused
*~On the phone?!
*~The things I do for you!
*~Horny puss ball!
*~Tara..You So Hawwwny!!
*~Now that I love you, I'm afraid to lose you. So I dump you.
*~OH MY GOD! There's leaves stuck up my nose!
*~She just needs to scram arite?
*~Cyber night
*~So have u ever jerked ur elf off?
*~Rubbun your cheset!
*~Ma! I mean Mrs. Costa! Ma! I mean Mrs. Costa!
*~He's a mute!
*~My Uncle Sam! I mean my brother Sam is dead!
*~Sittin alone everyday at 8th grade lunch!
*~There u go SS remake
*~IHJ 500 times
*~Dental floss and toothpicks
*~Break ya back gramma
*~Ya breaf stanks, ya breaf stanks
*~American pie-TIN hehe
*~Keep themm at your desk pleeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaassse
*~Haha~in the chair? omg, clean it up!
*~I'm Tara Olszewski and i'm 12 years old, I....
*~Hiking game
*~Our premarital vows
*~I'm confused!
*~I'm/Your gettin there!
*~That Halloween...countin our candy and the bag in Trivial Pursuit
*~Trippin over my feet for 5 minutes and then sliiiiiiding across the gym floor lolol!
*~Making cornbread with Auntie Amy..."Well I'll wipe the floor just in case!"
*~In the chair?! OMG!! Nicole, clean it up for me?
*~I'm Tara...I'm 12 years old...I....
*~The hiking game
*~Jump roping and waving "Hi"...Aww memories!
*~Our premarital vows
*~Nicole's 12th birthday party~His mom and sister came~Thanks for the headband?...~You're both my best friends!
*~I'm/You're gettin there!
*~My Bonnie
*~Snowstorm32...I'm still going out with him!
*~Making fun of people lol mean!
*~Chips and salad dressing
*~Kitty Lee(and hearin Cher every Saturday on our way to Piano Lessons)
*~Recording with my Dad
*~I Turn To You
*~Closing the door on your head at Ashley's House!
*~Walking by "the boys" shower at the beach hehe!
*~IIIIIIIII just wanna fly!
*~I wanna feel the way that I feel when I'm with you......!
*~Who's the big hot bag of air!...
*~Cards on my grilled cheese
*~Your house is boring and you have nothing to eat!
*~Fruity Pepples!
*~Smokin cheese curls!
*~Liar Liar
*~Really?! Eeeeeeeeew!!
*~Garage sale $6.50 marked down from 10...
*~Trial to commence at 1:30...Eeuuuuuuughhhh!
*~The Bloopers..lmao
*~Your Geometry Teacher needs to die!
*~Still sleepin at each others houses when we don't go to the same school lol
*~Trips to the mall.. lol both dressing rooms!
Tara you're always there for me thanks for everything!Bestestest Friends For Ever!
Inside Jokes wit Meg n my girlies!
~* The white stuff!!
~* You guys i can't find my string!
~* Chew on this
~* Spazzy and spazzies friend
~* Blumlein
~* Feedin my bird chips lol
~* aaaaaaahhhhhhhh hehehe
~* someone ran over the bag!
~* bang bang
~* singing christmas carols on the way home
~* fightin wit the girls at NC
~* oo ah oo ah
~* she looks like shes havin a siezure
~* Joe ewwwwwww
~* Andrews chin!!
~* plump
~* His head looks like its gonna blow up!
~* vvvvviii*cough*aaaaaaa
~* Alanna was right!?
~* English video
*~ Chimpmunk voices on the recorder
*~ The cow lady at the game
*~ He must not be too good... look what he did to his ex!
*~ Doin all our projects the night before :)
*~ I'm Hungry! *grrrooowwllll*
*~ Jaclyn's squiting problem
*~ Hah- right in the middle of our silent study
*~ My hair gettin caught in the bench when the lady sat down
*~ Boy with the pink backpack
*~ Mr F- "Don't yawn, it's rude!"
*~ Joes neck spasm
*~ I'm having a heart attack
*~ BURP that sounds familiar!
*~ AaAuUuuUuhhHhhHhh who's making that noise!?
*~ The wink club
*~ Chris- Waaaassssaaaapppp
*~ Once Upon a Potty
*~ I think she has a crush on u!!
*~ It's like butta
*~ Movie nights
*~ Cookie dough gone bad
*~ Do I have a leak in the cup? cranberry juice
*~ Chicken Legs!!
*~ This right here?
*~ I forgot the forks again!
*~ Can you send shane to the beeeep office
*~ Spirit Week 2002
*~ Mrs. Tomasse is in the room... she tells us to smile!
*~ It was a perfect perfect perfect day....sorry you weren't there- mr. faraone
*~loose stools cristina!
*~POO!! you morons! haha going into the school and walking around the lake at 9:00 at night and after the wrestling match
*~How did that cone get there?!
*~The mean vibrator lady! haha her store got closed
*~we're in north west guam now!
*~I'm sorry was that rude?
Best Buds 4 eva :)